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DC, DICS, FICS, FCC(Cranio), FCC(Paeds), FEUC(Craniopathy), FBCA
Jonathan Howat is a world renowned and revolutionary leader in the field of Chiropractic. He has become an authority in Sacro Occipital Technique and Cranio Fascial Dynamics with over 35 years of clinic evaluation and expertise in these disciplines; this has led to his international reputation as a developer, lecture and author on these subjects. His teaching contributions have influenced and reached thousands of Chiropractors, as well as Dentists and medical professionals throughout the world, lecturing across Africa, Asia , Australasia, Europe, North America and South America.
2020 marks his 50th year as a chiropractor in clinical practice.
Jonathan graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, USA in 1970, then returned to his home of Rhodesia, to practice with his father, David Howat, a Palmer graduate of 1938.
In 1975 Jonathan attended his first Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) seminar in England. This exposure to SOT as a “method of chiropractic” was an enlightening experience and provoked him to investigate further the work of DeJarnette, the founder and developer of SOT. As a result of political upheaval in Zimbabwe Jonathan and his family emigrated to England in 1984, and established the Oxford Chiropractic Clinic (OCC), in Headington, Oxford.
From Oxford Chiropractic Clinic, Jonathan started teaching (SOT) and in 1986 established ‘SOTO Europe’ a post-graduate teaching organisation for chiropractors delivering training throughout the UK and Europe. SOT helped form the foundation of CFD development.
In 1990, Jonathan was awarded Chiropractor of the year by Sacro Occipital Research Society International (SORSI) in recognition for services to the profession, in 1999 he received the Chiropractic Literary Award and in 2015 he was recognised for his work and he awarded SOTO Europe Chiropractor of the Year.
Jonathan is a diplomate of Craniopathy, a Fellow of the International Craniopathic Society, a Fellow in both the Cranial and Paediatric Faculties of the College of Chiropractic, Fellow of the European Academy of Chiropractic (Craniopathy) and Fellow of the British Chiropractic Association. In 2008 he was elected as an Ambassador for the Palmer College of Chiropractic — Global Development.
Since 1987 Jonathan has received invitations to lecture and teach throughout the UK, Europe – France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, and the Netherlands, Internationally – Australia, Far East – Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore, South Africa, South America – Chile & Brazil and the USA.
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The Dislocated Brain presents the innovative protocols of cranio fascial dynamics (CFD). CFD addresses traumatic brain injury and physically attempts to reverse traumatic distortion and the subsequent failure of brain drainage, thereby reinstating normal physiological function. CFD deals with the ‘central brain core components’ that make up the intricate neurological pathways that service all aspects of brain function. It includes: the understanding of early (from day 16 to day 23) embryological development of the ‘primitive streak’ (brain and spinal cord); the development of ‘mesenchyme’, which is the future fascial covering that encapsulates every part and component of the body; the ventricular system (producing cerebrospinal fluid), supported by the retrieving and processing components as listed above. CFD shows the hierarchical importance of these structures in human development. These areas are fundamental to normal brain function, namely, the retrieval, processing and dissemination of neurological information. Traumatic brain injury torques the spinal cord and the brainstem (the ‘central brain core component’), and therefore disturbs the homeostasis of normal retrieval, processing and distribution of neurological information through the now distorted and corrupt neurological pathway system. This is the first primary deficit to neurological imbalance, which I call ‘the dislocated brain’. The effect of torque on the neurological pathways is not unlike the buildup of scale in water pipes, gradually depositing ‘fur’ and reducing the flow of water. Similarly, in the brain this torque will inhibit the normal retrieval, processing and dissemination of neurological information. The purpose of this book is to give the reader the physiology and the understanding of the reinstatement of the ‘central brain core component’ by the removal of the central brain core component torque, which is the deepseated ultimate ‘subluxation’. The body and brain are now in a position to accept the numerous techniques that aid in the recovery of the neurological deficits, visceral changes and extremity distortions with far more effective outcomes.